Certified Shorthand Reporter Search Results

    This process allows you to search the database of shorthand reporters (also sometimes referred to as court reporters) who have been certified by the Board of Examiners of Shorthand Reporters to perform shorthand reporting in Iowa. The database includes shorthand reporters whose certification is current, as well as reporters whose certification has been placed on inactive status or whose certification has been suspended or revoked.


    To sort on any of the columns below, simply click on the column heading.


    -, - ----N/A-Pending-YMachine
    Acheson, Stephanie ElisabethCedar RapidsIALinn3B319-398-3920ActiveOYMachine
    Adamiak, Nadia---N/A-SuspendedFY
    Allison, Stefanie R.PapillionNE-2402-593-2263ActiveOYMachine
    Allmon, LisaLenexaKS-N/A913-749-6727DeceasedFY
    Amos, Laura J---N/A-ActiveFNMask
    Andersen, Laura L.---4712-328-4797ActiveONMachine
    Anderson, Arlene E.QUINCYIL-N/A217-617-6682SuspendedFNMachine
    Anderson, Ashland Paige---N/A-Active-YMachine
    Anderson, Jessica N.---N/A515-991-6662InactiveOY
    Anderson, Judy A.---N/A352-567-5484SuspendedFY
    Anderson, Valerie SusanWintersetIAMadison3A-ActiveONMachine
    Anundsen, Melanie S.DecorahIA-1A563-380-0001ActiveOYMachine
    Armistead, Ginny L.MorgantownWV-N/A304-413-0212InactiveOY
    Arndt, John Andrew MichaelMillstadtILOut-Of-StateN/A618-277-7677Inactive-YMachine
    Certified Shorthand Reporter Search

    This process allows you to search the database of shorthand reporters (also sometimes referred to as court reporters) who have been certified by the Board of Examiners of Shorthand Reporters to perform shorthand reporting in Iowa. The database includes shorthand reporters whose certification is current, as well as reporters whose certification has been placed on inactive status or whose certification has been suspended or revoked.